#企業資源規劃 #科技

新加坡食品公司SunMoon 透過雲端ERP系統讓配銷更順暢

食品和飲料行業被認為是一個競爭非常激烈的行業, 產品種類和數目繁多, 保質期、食品安全和儲存運輸條件要求嚴格等等,為食品及飲料行業帶來了很大的挑戰。 SunMoon食品公司於2007年正瀕臨破產邊緣,通過善用NetSuite Oneworld, 使SunMoon脫胎換骨成為輕資產、以客為尊的配銷商,縱橫捭闔於亞洲市場。 按此閱讀有關SunMoon 的成功故事 Introv英廸瑞,作為Oracle NetSuite的五星合作夥伴,我們提供世界一流的服務,通過使用創新技術及重新定義業務流程來幫助客戶發展,同時提升其整體業績,並走向成功。立即聯絡我們,獲取更多資料或免費諮詢,幫助你的企業進入下一頁: enquiries@introv.com 資料來源:Oracle NetSuite 延伸閱讀: 澳洲傳統農產業Fresh Produce Group,透過ERP系統達到創新! ERP(企業資源規劃)是什麼?公司企業該如何挑選雲端ERP系統?    



ERP(企業資源規劃)是什麼? ERP的縮寫,多年來一直是一個熱門的話題。它是一種整合企業流程的營運管理系統,利用模組化方式, 將企業的所有層面整合到一個綜合資訊系統中,於同一個平台上管理企業內部所有重要的業務職能,包括財務與會計、銷售業務管理、採購管理、供應鏈管理、庫存管理、商業智能、電子商貿及客戶關係管理等,共享單一資料庫。主要目的是讓企業內的各個職能部門彼此更有效地溝通交流,另協助企業管理人員加深對業務營運所有變化的理解,發現機遇及制定更明智的決策,為企業未來的發展和成功帶來影響。 為什麼企業需要導入ERP系統? 近年,數位轉型浪潮夕捲各產業, 為各行各業帶來新氣象,特別是以全渠道行銷的企業和餐飲及食品製造的業務等等。但舊有的資訊服務型態所構成的枷鎖,未能滿足企業於面對客戶、產品及業務發展的需求。企業唯有掌握資訊,推動轉型與創新 。要達至無縫的轉型及能快速回應市場的變化,企業必須具備靈活和易於擴展的業務管理和客戶管理系統 – 真正的雲端ERP作為支柱,統一內部資料處理程序即時反應當下的企業資源使用狀況,在做決策時為管理人員提供參考依據,進而增加企業競爭優勢的最佳利器,成為掌握致勝先機的贏家。 看更多案例:雲端ERP系統、CRM數位轉型之成功客戶案例 ERP系統可以帶來什麼效益? 為何今天越來越多大小企業採用ERP系統?以下幾個為ERP能為企業帶來的效益: 數據集成,提升資訊的共享性與正確度 大多數企業存在的問題就是各種形式的信息孤島隨處可見,數據不共享,相同的數據在不同部門中反覆多次處理,而在作決策時,負責的同仁亦需要與不同部門溝通及搜集所需數據,而且還需要花費較大精力再處理數據才能使用。導入ERP系統後,在同一系統共享所有資料,可以讓資訊提高正確性,各部門則可由ERP系統即時獲得所需的資訊,提高公司跨部門協同效率和決策水平。 精益管理,降低經營成本,提高作業效率 通過實施ERP系統,不僅能夠即時反映出企業的運作及資源的使用狀況,讓企業針對有問題的地方修正,並且檢視人力是否用在有效率的地方, 作出快速的回應 。除此之外, 採用EPR系統還可以大大降低企業的經營成本,同時優化作業流程,減少無效作業,從而提升管理效率並重新整合企業內部流程。 提高與廠商及客戶間的服務品質 當整合企業資源時,能夠即時反映出企業資源的使用及出貨狀況,以確保能準時交貨,也能隨時掌握庫存狀況,讓企業與廠商更容易規劃自己的產能,有充足時間備貨,加強上下游的關係。 企業該如何選擇ERP系統? 市場有上各式各樣的 ERP系統,企業應如何選擇呢?務必要記住兩件事:ERP系統應該能幫助您處理日常工作,同時能夠配合企業的長期發展。鑑於技術的發展比以往快,因此您選擇的系統亦應具有足夠的靈活性以適應變化。 數位轉型與策略創新重新塑造及轉變了企業環境與企業經營方式,沒有產業或組織能避開這股浪潮的影響。在這個浪潮下,企業面臨的挑戰是如何善用ERP系統與增進組織效能。   以價格合理、導入靈活快速見稱的雲端 ERP 系統為中小企以至全球級企業打通全球業務 NetSuite 雲端ERP系統為小型、中型、以至大型規模的企業提供合適的 ERP 解決方案,同時也提供不同產業的公司專屬的功能及模組,滿足獨一無二的商務需求。透過 NetSuite 雲端ERP (企業資源管理規劃) 系統,企業可全面進行財務、庫存、客戶關係管理(CRM)和市場推廣、多家子公司管理以及港元、澳元、美元、人民幣、英鎊、日元、新臺幣和歐元等多幣種交易管理。面對不斷擴展的業務亦無需招聘更多的員工,也不用IT員工/部門處理維新, 無論你的企業屬於哪個行業,人工智慧(AI)、飲食業、新創、科技、軟件、金融業(Fintech)、零售業、旅遊業、電子商務、 物業管理、各層供應鏈企業等均可輕鬆地適應市場變化緊跟潮流。 立即聯絡我們進行數位轉型規劃或免費試用NetSuite,帶領你的企業邁向成功! 延伸閱讀: 什麼是數位轉型?中小企業可以透過雲端ERP來轉型嗎? 企業的線上雲端會計系統,有哪些功能?6個財務管理優點說明!

#全渠道零售策略 #科技

Whitepaper: Big Agnes Takes Omnichannel Business to New Heights with Complete Suite

Omnichannel retailing is a modern approach to commerce nowadays. It is a multichannel approach to sales that seeks to provide a personalised and seamless shopping experience to customers​​, whether they are ​​shopping in retail shop, online, or through any other channels. With NetSuite running the key aspects of business including ERP, CRM, inventory and order management, Big Agnes, a manufacturer of high-end camping gear and apparel, experiencing the power of a single, unified cloud-based platform. However, their home-grown ecommerce system remained siloed from their NetSuite back-end which inhibited the company’s vision of showcasing their brand story and connecting with their customers online. Check out this article  to see how Big Agnes take their Omnichannel business to the next level with complete suite. Introv offer a range of comprehensive...

#企業資源規劃 #科技

Cycle Count vs. Physical Count: Key Differences & How to Choose

Accurate inventory information is crucial to business success as it impacts everything from customer fulfillment to financing and business forecasting. However, maintaining accurate inventory information can be challenging. Traditionally, many companies have relied on time-consuming periodic physical inventory counts, which can interfere with everyday business operations. Nowadays, many are moving to a more flexible and agile approach: cycle counting. Check out this article to explore the key differences between the traditional approach (physical counting) and the more flexible and agile approach (cycling counting) and implement the best approach that best fit for your business. It will also share how you can optimizing your counts with the inventory Management software. What is Physical Count? A physical count is an actual count of the goods in stock. This is a...



現時全球經濟動盪不安,許多企業都面臨巨大的挑戰, 在當前的環境下, 如何發掘業務契機並準備好面對經營上的種種考驗? 為了確保組織的長遠成功,你需要更有策略地思考如何提升企業的行銷彈性。以下7個步驟助你提升關鍵能力並增強行銷彈性。 聚焦於數據本身 保持敏捷 檢視並優化你的行銷科技堆疊 為你的支出排列優先順序 尋找新機會 投資數字 加強你的會員活動   繼續閱讀 資料來源:Appier Inc. Introv為企業預備最適合的雲計算解決方案 ,發掘、培養潛在客戶。聯絡我們,獲取免費諮詢: (886) 2 7751 5298 (台灣) / enquiries@introv.com


Whitepaper: 7 Ways Cloud ERP Helps Organizations Build Resilience and Agility

Companies that rely on spreadsheets and/or on premises ERP to manage their operations generally face limitations in delivering organizational visibility, mission critical data on a single platform and supporting collaboration across remote workforces, which inhibits their growth potential. This white paper explores the key challenges that organizations are facing right now and shows how the cloud ERP platform – Oracle NetSuite ERP can help them transform their companies into resilient organizations that can weather any storm. Source: Oracle NetSuite

#財務管理 #科技

Whitepaper: Money Story – Overcoming the Seven Barrier to Business Success

  "Cash is King!" Driving Positive Cash Flow is the top priority of you now. To be able to tell the money story, the CEO and CFO must have access to transparent, real-time performance data to analyze and compare to strategic plans. Download this paper to find out how NetSuite, the #1 cloud-based platform can enable your business with ·       Access to real-time financial metrics that matter. ·       Robust reporting capabilities. ·       Support for hybrid business models. ·       Streamlined billing and revenue recognition.Automatic upgrades and no version lock. Thank you. Source: Oracle NetSuite


Whitepaper: Unlocking Your Software Company’s Full Potential

Software and technologies companies at every stage of the life cycle face different challenges. This whitepaper share how the world leading cloud-based ERP help to solve these challenges, enables companies to grow and scale, and most importantly, helping the businesses to transform themselves through each stage of growth. Thank you. Please download the eBook here. Source: Oracle NetSuite

#財務管理 #科技

Five Signs Your Business has Outgrown its Accounting Software

For business owners in Asia Pacific, there are a few common refrains when it comes to their software systems. “Our inventory system is very manual – there is a lot of duplication with data entry.” “We use a basic accounting package for cash/POS transactions and our CRM is totally disconnected from our other systems.” “It takes us ages to pull financial operational reports to assess our performance.” If you rely on a basic accounting package to run your business, now might be the time to consider other options, such as moving the processes that are key to your business operations to an integrated system like ERP (Enterprise Resource Processing) that will give you complete visibility into every aspect of your business. The challenges for a fast-growing business can...
