Past Event - 網路線上研討會 – 透過 ORACLE NetSuite 商務平台, 讓企業沉睡的數據甦醒商場 (2020年 3月26日)

市場環境急速變化及競爭壓力持續增加,很多企業都意識到自己現正使用的 "傳統套裝系統" 未必能滿足企業的長遠發展。他們必須具備一個靈活和易於擴展的管理平台 – 正規的雲端ERP作為支柱。 您的企業現在是否… 還在使用傳統的Excel來儲存數據或產生報告? 還需要花時間整合多個分散平台的管理? 希望提高公司跨部門協同效率及可見度(即時和個性化儀表板) 改善公司內部各自獨立的系統及無效率的人工作業 希望簡化會計,CRM和電子商務功能及符合國際會計準則 希望利用更有彈性及靈活的系統以配合目前及未來市場與業務發展 正在尋找全球頂級雲端ERP系統, 內建各產業最佳實踐模型,任何地方及裝置都可取得即時財務及營運數據   如果您勾選了其中的數個項目,不用擔心,誠邀你參加我們於2020年3月26日舉辦的網路線上研討會。在會上,我們會為你介紹 "Introv Quick Success Package" (Oracle NetSuite ERP Platform),協助你降低成本,簡化關鍵業務流程,提高生產力及競爭力。 Introv Quick Success Package 包括: 1. 一次性標準設置(由Oracle NetSuite提供支援),其中包括: 銷售業務管理 採購管理 庫存管理 財務會計管理 2. 預設5個用戶的權限 3. 預設5個即時儀表板 4. 只需8-10星期便可將70% 舊系統運作遷移到 NetSuite! 網路線上研討會詳情:  日期:2020年3月26日(星期四) 時間:14:00 – 15:30 網路線上研討會流程:  14:00 – 14:30  加速數位轉型的必備工具與平台 (INTROV 商務發展經理 Jacky Ho) 14:30 - 15:20  NetSuite 標準流程演示 (INTROV 顧問部主管 Kara Hsiung) 15:20 - 15:30 問答與意見交流 *請注意: 各議程內容可能會有所改動


Wishing you a Happy Chinese New Year!

The team at Introv would like to wish you and your family a happy and prosperous Chinese New Year. Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year. Please note our Chinese New Year opening hours (Taiwan Office) on the following dates: January 23 - 29, 2020 – closed Warm wishes, The Introv Team


Past Event - 草船借箭 – 藉助全球中小企業的商務經驗,傳承和創新自己的企業 (2019年10月30日)

數位世代的市場競爭,為企業帶來巨大壓力,而舊有的資訊服務型態或未能滿足企業於面對客戶、產品及業務發展的需求。企業唯有掌握資訊,推動轉型與創新 。 要達至無縫的轉型及能快速回應市場的變化,企業必須具備一個靈活和易於擴展的業務管理系統 – 真正的雲端ERP作為支柱。 參加這場”Quick Success”工作坊,你將可以了解被全球超過 40,000個組織所使用的雲業務管理系統(NetSuite) 如何於系統中管理銷售、採購、應收、應付及其相關報表。更可以瞭解我們的專家如何幫助貴公司提升工作效率和簡化業務流程。 除此,您還可以瞭解如何利用雲系統來達到以下六大優勢! 提高公司跨部門協同效率及可見度 改善公司內部各自獨立的系統及無效率的人工作業 利用更有彈性及靈活度的系統以因應目前及未來市場與業務環境 雲端服務能夠快速導入,不須購買軟硬體,減少後續維運負擔雲端服務 內建各產業最佳實踐模型,任何地方及裝置都可取得即時財務及營運數據 隨時使用最新版本及功能,享受不斷優化的使用者體驗 研討會詳情:  日期:2019年10月30日(星期三) 時間:13:45 – 16:30 地點:台北市信義區忠孝東路五段68號28樓Oracle NetSuite辦公室 費用:免費 研討會流程:  13:45 – 14:00 報到 14:00 – 14:30 全球四萬家客戶的唯一選擇 – Oracle NetSuite Cloud ERP 14:30 – 15:00 NetSuite的延展性提供無限可能 15:00 – 15:15 中場休息 15:15 – 16:05 系統演示 - Introv QuickSuccess Pack,8週NetSuite快速上線 16:05 – 16:30 問答與意見交流 *請注意: 各議程內容可能會有所改動



英迪瑞團隊祝你中秋節快樂。 願中秋節為您和您的家人帶來好運和豐收。 英迪瑞團隊 請留意:二零一九年九月十三日中秋節當天台灣分公司休息一天


Past Event - 個性化當道,你的顧客忠誠度計劃 (Customer Loyalty Program) 跟上了嗎? (2019年 9月 4日)

在每一次的行銷活動,行銷人員都希望達到精準行銷,找到對的目標客群並完成銷售。因此,對品牌的經營,在不同的客戶生命週期階段,以消費者為核心,提供線上線下(OMO)虛實融合流暢無縫的客戶體驗,是至為重要的一環,決定了是否能建立可獲利及品牌擁護的客戶關係。 這場研討會,由我們CRM的顧問來剖析,在客戶生命週期的各個不同階段,什麼樣的創新科技可以幫助企業,來優化每一階段的客戶連繫與互動。 找到高收益的客戶 完成線上線下一致的客戶體驗 透過忠誠計劃,讓顧客終生價值 (Customer Lifetime Value, CLV) 具體可見 案例分享 : 知名零售品牌如何運用忠誠計劃創造更高盈收 研討會詳情:  日期:2019年9月4日(星期三) 時間:14:00 – 17:00 地點:台北市復興北路99號15樓 (犇亞商務暨會議中心G教室) 費用:免費 研討會流程:  14:00 – 14:30 報到 14:30 – 14:45 開場 - 歡迎來到行銷4.0 14:45 – 15:45 如何豐富客戶生命週期的各階段 15:45 – 16:00 中場休息 16:00 – 16:15 成功故事 - 知名零售品牌如何掌控全通路 (Omni-Channel) 建立顧客忠誠度 16:15 – 16:30 現場演示 - 驅動顧客忠誠的核心引擎 (Loyalty Engine) 16:30 – 17:00 問答與意見交流 *請注意: 各議程內容可能會有所改動


Introv Sweeps NetSuite 5-Star Award For 2nd Year In A Row

Introv takes pride in the strategic partnership with Oracle NetSuite to drive digital transformation for businesses in APAC. Following the 5 Star Award attainment in 2018, this year we are again very glad to announce the company has gained the NetSuite 5 Star Award – the highest partner recognition by Oracle NetSuite which is exclusively awarded only to several top partners around the world. “The award is a true testament to our outstanding IT consulting services as well as the service promise to our customers through out the years. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge our teams who have been dedicated in delivering best results and solutions for customers. Great thanks must also be given to our customers, supporters and, most importantly, NetSuite”. – Ivan Cheung, Director, Introv....


Introv Crowned “Top 10 ERP Solution Providers 2018”

Through extensive efforts and strong dedication in providing world-class ERP solutions, Introv has gained regional recognition from APAC CEOs and CIOs. Introv is honoured to be named the top 10 ERP solutions providers by APAC CIO Outlook Publication, after rounds of comprehensive review and judging. With a decade-long experience in the industry, as well as a fast-growing team of talents, Introv has been the business growth partner of 500+ businesses, delivering the best fit ERP solutions that redefine and innovate business practices. “Introv offers a list of comprehensive business technologies consulting and supporting services, which are essential to deliver a smooth and full-scale, 360 service offering,” – APAC CIO Outlook “We are glad to receive the regional recognition, which is an acknowledgement of the team’s continuous efforts and a significant...


Wishing you a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

The team at Introv would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please note our Christmas and New Year opening hours on the following dates: December 24, 2018  - closed from 4pm December 25, 2018 - closed December 26, 2018  - closed December 31, 2018 - closed from 4pm January 1, 2019 - closed Warm wishes, The Introv Team


Introv’s New Office Unveiled

Introv is now occupying 2 floors at Gravity - the new innovative business hub where techpreneurs gather. In September this year, our team has moved into a new office workspace a few streets away from the old office address, at the heart of Kowloon East commercial district of Kwun Tong. The bespoke design that promotes a creative yet professional work environment consists of multiple collaborative space, covered terrace and meeting rooms on both 28th and 29th floors, allowing our team to be more engaged and motivated.  What's more? At Introv, we value the creativity and innovative ideas of our energetic team of talents. Our new workspace comes with a host of leisure and social facilities to make our work environment fun and stimulating, including pool table, beer tap, gym,...
