Only Chinese Version available Introv 聯同亞洲最大OMO 虛實融合開店解決方案品牌 91APP 舉辦的研討會順利舉行,雙方專家為企業解構 #OMO 營銷策略及多個與物流和供貨量有關的電商痛點! 感謝所有出席者對活動的支持,期待下次再見,分享更多最新行業資訊。
Clients meet up – Green finance for sustainability conference
We are so happy to meet our clients this afternoon at Oracle HK headquarter and share the practical advice through using NetSuite in ESG angle. Thanks our clients...
Congratulations!CASETiFY’s NetSuite Cloud ERP Go-Live with Introv
Congratulations! CASETiFY's NetSuite Cloud ERP Go-Live with Introv! With the help of Oracle NetSuite, CASETiFY can enhance the collaboration and workflows among different teams. High degree of efficiency...
Introv Christmas BBQ 2022
Here is a quick look at the team gathering over BBQ for the Christmas celebrations last Friday. The team at Introv wishing you a season full of light...
Introv (Taiwan) Company Offsite Activity 2022
More than ever, team offsite providing a much needed opportunity for leaders and teams to connect face-to-face, and developing a strong and effective team. Yesterday, our talented team...
Congratulations UnaBiz on the NetSuite Cloud ERP Go-Live
Congratulations UnaBiz on the NetSuite Cloud ERP Go-Live! As the proven global massive IoT service provider in the world, UnaBiz has partnered with Introv, to support its business expansion in...
Embracing the Next Wave of Digital Transformation with Cloud ERP – CORPHUB interview with Vivien Hui, General Manager of Introv Limited
大數據平台、雲計算解決方案等是企業數位轉型必不可少的元素。2008 年,Introv Limited 以雲端建置顧問起家,為企業提供雲計算解決方案。當年雲計算行業正值萌芽時候,雲計算仍是新鮮詞彙,Introv 可說是早期進入香港雲端市場並屹立至今的佼佼者。 [embed][/embed] Vivien 憶述當時向市場推廣新概念頗為困難:「很多公司只當 IT 是輔助工具,不明白 IT 的重要性,未必願意應用或改變系統。其實企業應該早早採用合適的企業資源規劃(ERP)平台,打好根基,若等公司進入高速發展期才開始使用或轉換便已經太遲了。」她續說:「Introv 的角色則是向客戶分析過時軟件和硬件如何阻礙客戶業務發展,推薦新平台,讓客戶輕鬆使用新軟件和平台。」 發展至今,Introv 已成為亞太地區全球第一大雲端企業資源規劃(ERP)系統的主要實施者之一,針對企業需求及特性,提供度身訂做的商業軟體解決方案。 疫情下仍達 100% 續訂率 疫情下企業急需數位轉型,不少傳統企業加入 B2C(Business To Customer)電子商務市場,希望在日漸蓬勃的網購市場分一杯羹。此時企業便需要以雲端 ERP、線上會計、CRM 等系統來提升數位轉型的能力。 企業沿用的舊式系統功能有限,遇上風高浪急的電子商務年代就顯得不合時宜。舊系統多數未能配合企業的電子商務業務發展,限制了企業拓展市場的步伐。同時,隨技術更迭,新舊系統亦遇上相容問題,故專業顧問的意見格外重要。「B2B(business-to-business)的開單程序及供應鏈管理和 B2C 的不盡相同。加上 B2C...
Behind the scene – Medihands Customer story video shooting
Behind the scenes with Paul Hung, Senior Vice President of Medihands showing a testimonial of how Introv helped in their business transformation. With the help of Oracle NetSuite...
Celebrating MoBagel’s Successful Go-Live with Introv & Oracle NetSuite Cloud ERP
It is our pleasure that MoBagel confirms Introv's professional service and chooses us as a long-term partner. Looking forward to working together in the future.