Celebrating Lai Sun Dining’s Successful Go-Live with Introv & Oracle NetSuite Cloud ERP
Congratulations on Lai Sun Dining's Oracle NetSuite Cloud ERP successful Go-Live with Introv yesterday! As the food and beverage service is a Hong Kong-based hospitality group renowned for...
Oracle NetSuite X Introv Seminar – Know Your Supplier (KYS) for Successfully Managing Supplier Compliance by using Oracle NetSuite
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Oracle NetSuite x Introv Limited seminar. Especially thanks for our guest speakers Mr. Johnny Chow - HK Express. We...
Past Event - Seminar: Know Your Supplier (KYS) for Successfully Managing Supplier Compliance by using Oracle NetSuite (11 Aug 2023)
In today's business environment, businesses are increasingly relying on many third-party suppliers, subcontractors, and partners to achieve their procurement objectives and eSourcing. Collaboration with a third party can...
Introv Wins 2023 NetSuite Awards in Consecutive Years
We are proud to announce that Introv Hong Kong & Taiwan named "Most Valuable Solution Partner Award FY23" from Oracle NetSuite. Ms. Vivien Hui, General Manager of Introv...
F&B Panel Discussion X Wine event was successfully held!
Along with our business partners Oracle NetSuite Solutions, a F&B Panel Discussion X Wine event was held at Moon Ocean, Causeway Bay last night. It was a great opportunity...
Past Event - Introv X Workstem Seminar: Powerful F&B Cloud Solution|All-in-One Operating & HR System (9 Aug 2023)
The food and beverage (F&B) industry is challenging to manage in terms of inventory, human resources, costing, food safety etc. Choosing the right F&B management system is needed...
Past Event - F&B Panel Discussion X Wine Event (6 July 2023)
JOIN US FOR F&B Panel Discussion X Wine Event! 🍻FREE FLOW🥂 Food and Beverage is a highly competitive industry, there are a wide variety of products, changes in...
Past Event - 【台灣線上交流分享會] 餐廳生意放大術:掌握多通路報表管理秘訣!(2023 年 6月 8日)
Only Chinese Version available 2023全球疫後餐飲趨勢,隨營業額的回穩呈復甦成長,也讓具抱負的企業懷抱展店、擴大佈局,發展規模經濟的計畫,而企業在經營管理面向上,在如何有效率地管理業務情況同時、也能制定其獨特性的策略方案?例如更多的網路訂單與外賣、更穩健的供應鏈規劃,以及更多創新與持續發展的可能。 從供應鏈至餐廳業者再至顧客桌上佳餚、杯中良飲,提升品牌知名度擴大至銷售通路,彼此之間環環相扣。所有企業主專注提升整體效益,仰賴從前期供需計畫,中期製作/製造生產排程,後期庫存營銷至各產品線通路,善用數據、效益分析去了解產品需求趨勢、採取更敏捷地管理和重塑戰略,並悉知不同渠道的貢獻度與市場定位價值,奠定獨特優勢。 綜上所述,Introv 將分享Oracle NetSuite 作為全球領先的企業資源管理(雲端平臺),提供全面性、數位優化解決方案,對於餐飲業的企業運營具有顯著的優勢,也能對各地營業數據直接整合,不僅改善營運可視性,還能得知時時刻刻營收的狀態,助力掌握整體銷售與業務的情況。 本次活動將分享Introv & iCHEF助企業運用雲端ERP數位優化解決方案,持續伴隨企業家們同經營成長、與精益化的重要關鍵。 交流分享會詳情: 日期:2023年6月8日(星期四) 時間:15:00 – 16:00(線上報到:14:50) 講者:Alan(Introv 業務經理) 議程*: 15:00 主持人開場 15:05 餐廳發展新機遇,打造多元營收全通路 ...
Past Event - Seminar: Speeding into Property Innovation: Powerful Cloud & Smart Technology (2 June 2023)
The right prop-tech solutions help you replicate optimized workflows for growth. We all know that technology is an important part of our daily lives, but how much does...