Past Event - F&B Panel Discussion X Wine Event (6 July 2023)
JOIN US FOR F&B Panel Discussion X Wine Event! 🍻FREE FLOW🥂 Food and Beverage is a highly competitive industry, there are a wide variety of products, changes in...
Past Event - 【台灣線上交流分享會] 餐廳生意放大術:掌握多通路報表管理秘訣!(2023 年 6月 8日)
Only Chinese Version available 2023全球疫後餐飲趨勢,隨營業額的回穩呈復甦成長,也讓具抱負的企業懷抱展店、擴大佈局,發展規模經濟的計畫,而企業在經營管理面向上,在如何有效率地管理業務情況同時、也能制定其獨特性的策略方案?例如更多的網路訂單與外賣、更穩健的供應鏈規劃,以及更多創新與持續發展的可能。 從供應鏈至餐廳業者再至顧客桌上佳餚、杯中良飲,提升品牌知名度擴大至銷售通路,彼此之間環環相扣。所有企業主專注提升整體效益,仰賴從前期供需計畫,中期製作/製造生產排程,後期庫存營銷至各產品線通路,善用數據、效益分析去了解產品需求趨勢、採取更敏捷地管理和重塑戰略,並悉知不同渠道的貢獻度與市場定位價值,奠定獨特優勢。 綜上所述,Introv 將分享Oracle NetSuite 作為全球領先的企業資源管理(雲端平臺),提供全面性、數位優化解決方案,對於餐飲業的企業運營具有顯著的優勢,也能對各地營業數據直接整合,不僅改善營運可視性,還能得知時時刻刻營收的狀態,助力掌握整體銷售與業務的情況。 本次活動將分享Introv & iCHEF助企業運用雲端ERP數位優化解決方案,持續伴隨企業家們同經營成長、與精益化的重要關鍵。 交流分享會詳情: 日期:2023年6月8日(星期四) 時間:15:00 – 16:00(線上報到:14:50) 講者:Alan(Introv 業務經理) 議程*: 15:00 主持人開場 15:05 餐廳發展新機遇,打造多元營收全通路 ...
Past Event - Seminar: Speeding into Property Innovation: Powerful Cloud & Smart Technology (2 June 2023)
The right prop-tech solutions help you replicate optimized workflows for growth. We all know that technology is an important part of our daily lives, but how much does...
Past Event - Introv will participate Asia’s Leading Food & Hospitality Tradeshow – HOFEX (10-12 May 2023)
Sign Up Now! Last Chance to Pre-Register for FREE admission badge! Enjoy free admission across the 3 show days*! HOFEX - Asia’s Leading Food & Hospitality Tradeshow is...
Introv X Ninesmart X HKT PorpTech Seminar – Speeding into Property Innovation: Powerful Cloud & Smart Technology
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the PropTech seminar this afternoon. We hope you found it informative and engaging. Our seminar highlighted many of IoT smart...
INTROV Earns for Most Outstanding IT Cloud Solutions of the year
As the only awardee in IT Cloud Solutions industry, Introv is proud to be selected as the “Most Outstanding IT Cloud Solutions of the year” of the HKCT...
Celebrating Uspace Kickoff Meeting with Introv and Oracle NetSuite
Introv is glad to kick off the digital transformation project for Uspace today. Since starting in the summer of 2017, Uspace has helped create more than 1,300 parking...
台灣 Introv 聯同 iCHEF 發表 Oracle NetSuite 整合記者會順利舉行
Only Chinese Version available 很高興今日在台灣 Introv Limited 與 iCHEF 一同向媒體發表 Oracle NetSuite 整合,協助餐廳疫後輕鬆展店!推出門市訂貨管理系統,助力餐飲業者輕鬆升級世界級財務與中央廚房管理系統,並擁有自己的門市訂貨網站,讓展店中的餐飲集團訂貨、整單、出帳更自動化。 Introv 為 Oracle NetSuite 長期的合作夥伴,擁有豐富 ERP 系統導入經驗。作為系統供應商與管理顧問,在香港和台灣服務超過 600 家客戶。Introv 資深經理熊可涵表示:「NetSuite 生產管理系統為 Oracle 旗下完整的 ERP 雲服務產品,從高成長新創企業到成熟上市企業皆適用,靈活伴隨企業成長,為全球最廣泛被使用的雲端 ERP 系統之一。很開心能與 iCHEF 展開全新合作,盼以 Oracle NetSuite 過往服務連鎖餐飲業者的經驗,一起陪伴超過 13,000 家中小型餐飲業者增加營運效率、一同走向規模化經營!」 了解更多餐飲系統管理方案
Introv x Oracle NetSuite e-Commerce Seminar
Thanks for joining our eCommerce seminar today! We hope you all gain insights into how Oracle NetSuite can build your integrated e-Commerce platform rapidly and cost-effectively while maintaining...