Uncovering the Successful Resurrection Technique of the F&B Industry: Gathering 4 Smart Marketing Strategies
What a joyful day we had yesterday! It was wonderful to see so many restaurants and business owners eager to learn positive strategies to flourish their business in...
We are so proud to announce the partnership with Padal limited (Padal), a financial technology (FinTech) company founded on the premise that corporate financing services should be secured,...
Happy new year of the Dragon 2024!
Greetings to all our valued connections and fellow entrepreneurs! We hope this message finds you thriving and your business flourishing with success. As we embark on another year...
Introv Taiwan branch’s year-end banquet for 2024
Welcome to Introv's Taiwan 2024 Year-end banquet. Over the past year, thanks to your dedication and hard work, Introv Taiwan has grown tremendously. We have moved into a...
Breakfast Roundtable Fueling Growth through Automation in Real Estate
We had an excellent Breakfast Roundtable event this morning on "Fueling Growth through Automation inReal Estate." Thank you to our insightful guest speakers:Mr. Jordan Kostelac,Dr. Darron Sun,Ms. Vivien...
Past Event - [台灣實體交流會] Introv X Eats365 餐飲業ERP入門指南,用數據優化企業循環!(2024 年 4月 17日)
Only Chinese Version available「正在邁入集團化經營,卻不知道何時要導入ERP?」 「企業要導入ERP,卻不知道系統如何挑選?」 Introv 英迪瑞 帶你深入淺出認識ERP系統及相關應用,包含中央廚房採購、食品安全、食品配方與生產,到供應鏈管理以及線上線下銷售,以一個顧問的角色,提供一條龍式的ERP解決方案,達到利用數據優化企業循環。 本場也特別邀請到鄧師傅功夫菜的執行長 鄧至佑 Bill,來分享在疫情後的餐飲業者該如何挑選適合自己的數位轉型工具,以及實際導入後所帶來的營運效率提升。 最後Eats365也會說明POS如何利用集團式管理,由上到下精準掌控多品牌、多分店的營運,並且透過與ERP系統的整合,將前端店面營運與後端進貨/銷售管理完美搭配,進一步降低營運成本。 不管你是餐飲業新手、正在擴展規模想了解ERP系統的餐飲業者、或是已經在經營集團、食品工廠的老闆都很適合報名本場講座! 參與本場講座您將會學到:- 什麼是ERP?ERP是如何提升營運管理效率?- 何時要開始導入ERP?如何挑選適合自己的系統方案?- 從單店經營到多店管理,老闆如何準備邁向集團式經營- 前端POS與後端ERP系統整合如何提升營運管理效率 研討會詳情: 日期:2024 年 4月 17日 (星期三)時間:14 : 00 - 16...
Celebrating XING Mobility Kickoff Meeting with Introv and Oracle NetSuite
Introv is glad to kick off the digital transformation project for XING Mobility today. Founded in 2015 in Taipei, Taiwan by Tesla and Panasonic veterans. XING Mobility designs...
Past Event - Uncovering the Successful Resurrection Technique of the F&B Industry: Gathering 4 Smart Marketing Strategies (28 Feb 2024)
With the increasing volume of cross-border consumption, the impact of Hong Kong food and beverage sector is profound. To encourage more local consumption and bring the new insights...
Introv Christmas BBQ 2023
Here is a quick look at the team gathering over BBQ for the Christmas celebrations last Friday. The team at Introv wishing you a season full of light...