What is Customer Relationship Management?
CRM (a.k.a. Customer Relationship Management), is a buzzword that’s been around for a while, and where I lack in the skill of blogging, I make up for it with my know-how in CRM. I know CRM. I live and breathe it. So, let’s cut to the chase shall we? CRM has been a hot topic for several years, as companies are increasingly looking to build more meaningful relationships with their customers. Why? because it yields higher business growth. With the right CRM system in place, you can build on these relationships, and you can free yourself from all distraction and processes that can come with managing your customer data manually. What’s more, the beauty of CRM is that it can be applied to all businesses, in any sector...
What is Big Data?
It’s a phrase used to quantify data sets that are so large and complex that they become difficult to exchange, secure and analyse with typical tools. To describe the phenomenon that is big data, there are some definitions widely accepted in the market, the 5Vs: 1. Volume – Large in quantity 2. Velocity – Traded high speed 3. Variety – Formed in many style 4. Veracity – Controlled data quality and accuracy 5. Value – Ability to turn into business value The potential value that Big Data can provide for organisations in different sectors of the economy and different areas inside such organisations are huge. The below table shows some potential usage of Big Data across five industries: INDUSTRY MAIN BUSINESS FUNCTIONS IMPACTED Retail Product demand prediction and trends forecastingPrice elasticity optimisation Value...