Introv Sponsors 2nd DigitalCFO Asia Hong Kong Symposium 2024
Thrilled to share that Introv Limited had an invigorating panel discussion at the 2nd DigitalCFO Asia Hong Kong Symposium 2024 on "Bringing AI to Life: AI-powered ERP helps...
Past Event - [Introv X GS1 HK F&B Tour] Smart Kitchen Visit – Robotics Cooking & Food Tasting(26 Jun 2024)
We're thrilled to extend an exclusive invitation to foodies and tech enthusiasts alike for an unforgettable networking event hosted by GS1 HK. Mark your calendars for the end...
Past Event - [台灣實體交流會] Introv X FC TALKS #餐飲特別場 數據驅動智能決策,突圍餐飲新戰局 (2024 年 6月 6日)
Only Chinese Version available 食安風暴 X 缺工危機,餐飲產業競爭如何突破重圍? 根據經濟部統計, 2023年台灣餐飲產業年度總營業額首次突破1兆元,展現強勁的後疫情後復甦勢頭,科技在疫後早已轉化成企業長期優化獲利結構與保持競爭力的「基礎設施」。近期食安風暴襲捲各大餐飲品牌,企業又該怎麼重塑數據,加強品質管理,最大化減少損失並提高營運效能,而後精準預測未來的市場需求呢? 探索Introv 英迪瑞 的餐飲業務分析和Oracle NetSuite 的雲端AI科技,為您的業務帶來革命性的效率和創新! 不管你是餐飲業新手、正在擴展規模想了解ERP系統的餐飲業者、或是已經在經營集團、食品工廠的老闆都很適合報名本場講座! 日期:2024 年 6月 6日 (星期四)時間:14 : 00 - 17 : 00 (登記入座:13 :...
Past Event - Revitalizing SME F&B Business and Intelligent Marketing Solutions Seminar(26 Mar 2024)
With the new changes in consumer sentiment, the local food and beverage industry is facing unprecedented challenges. To help the industry cope with this impact, Ping An OneConnect...
The Beginner’s Guide to ERP in the Food & Beverage Industry: Optimizing the Business Cycle with Data
We're so delighted to announce that today's event in Taiwan, "The Beginner's Guide to ERP in the Food & Beverage Industry: Optimizing the Business Cycle with Data," jointly...
Celebrating AAP (錐光金屬) Kickoff Meeting with Introv and Oracle NetSuite
Introv is glad to kick off the digital transformation project for AAP (錐光金屬). AAP is the world's leading designer and manufacturer of semiconductor equipment and key components. Its...
Uncovering the Successful Resurrection Technique of the F&B Industry: Gathering 4 Smart Marketing Strategies
What a joyful day we had yesterday! It was wonderful to see so many restaurants and business owners eager to learn positive strategies to flourish their business in...
We are so proud to announce the partnership with Padal limited (Padal), a financial technology (FinTech) company founded on the premise that corporate financing services should be secured,...
Happy new year of the Dragon 2024!
Greetings to all our valued connections and fellow entrepreneurs! We hope this message finds you thriving and your business flourishing with success. As we embark on another year...