台灣 Introv 聯同Oracle NetSuite X MAYO 研討會順利舉行
Only Chinese Version available 很高興 Introv LimitedX Oracle NetSuite X MAYO 在台灣舉辦的「迎戰新變局 雲端科技強化企業營運策略與管理能力」研討會順利完成! 感謝所有與會者的支持希望今天的研討會能讓企業進一步了解該如何透過雲端ERP與HRM,打造靈活、可擴展的管理系統,高效調整管理策略、重塑人才戰略,迎戰充滿變動的新未來!
Introv Annual Dinner 2023
The team celebrated at Introv's Annual Dinner 2023 last Friday. It was really nice to meet everyone from different departments to gather. We had lots of fun with...
Celebrating Dcard Kickoff Meeting with Introv and Oracle NetSuite
Introv is glad to kick off the digital transformation project for Dcard today. Dcard is the most influential social media platform among young Taiwanese with over 6 million...
Only Chinese Version available Introv 聯同亞洲最大OMO 虛實融合開店解決方案品牌 91APP 舉辦的研討會順利舉行,雙方專家為企業解構 #OMO 營銷策略及多個與物流和供貨量有關的電商痛點! 感謝所有出席者對活動的支持,期待下次再見,分享更多最新行業資訊。
Clients meet up – Green finance for sustainability conference
We are so happy to meet our clients this afternoon at Oracle HK headquarter and share the practical advice through using NetSuite in ESG angle. Thanks our clients...
Congratulations!CASETiFY’s NetSuite Cloud ERP Go-Live with Introv
Congratulations! CASETiFY's NetSuite Cloud ERP Go-Live with Introv! With the help of Oracle NetSuite, CASETiFY can enhance the collaboration and workflows among different teams. High degree of efficiency...
Introv Christmas BBQ 2022
Here is a quick look at the team gathering over BBQ for the Christmas celebrations last Friday. The team at Introv wishing you a season full of light...
Introv (Taiwan) Company Offsite Activity 2022
More than ever, team offsite providing a much needed opportunity for leaders and teams to connect face-to-face, and developing a strong and effective team. Yesterday, our talented team...
Congratulations UnaBiz on the NetSuite Cloud ERP Go-Live
Congratulations UnaBiz on the NetSuite Cloud ERP Go-Live! As the proven global massive IoT service provider in the world, UnaBiz has partnered with Introv, to support its business expansion in...