Introv X Ninesmart X HKT PorpTech Seminar – Speeding into Property Innovation: Powerful Cloud & Smart Technology
Thank you to everyone who joined us for the PropTech seminar this afternoon. We hope you found it informative and engaging. Our seminar highlighted many of IoT smart...
INTROV Earns for Most Outstanding IT Cloud Solutions of the year
As the only awardee in IT Cloud Solutions industry, Introv is proud to be selected as the “Most Outstanding IT Cloud Solutions of the year” of the HKCT...
Celebrating Uspace Kickoff Meeting with Introv and Oracle NetSuite
Introv is glad to kick off the digital transformation project for Uspace today. Since starting in the summer of 2017, Uspace has helped create more than 1,300 parking...
台灣 Introv 聯同 iCHEF 發表 Oracle NetSuite 整合記者會順利舉行
Only Chinese Version available 很高興今日在台灣 Introv Limited 與 iCHEF 一同向媒體發表 Oracle NetSuite 整合,協助餐廳疫後輕鬆展店!推出門市訂貨管理系統,助力餐飲業者輕鬆升級世界級財務與中央廚房管理系統,並擁有自己的門市訂貨網站,讓展店中的餐飲集團訂貨、整單、出帳更自動化。 Introv 為 Oracle NetSuite 長期的合作夥伴,擁有豐富 ERP 系統導入經驗。作為系統供應商與管理顧問,在香港和台灣服務超過 600 家客戶。Introv 資深經理熊可涵表示:「NetSuite 生產管理系統為 Oracle 旗下完整的 ERP 雲服務產品,從高成長新創企業到成熟上市企業皆適用,靈活伴隨企業成長,為全球最廣泛被使用的雲端 ERP 系統之一。很開心能與 iCHEF 展開全新合作,盼以 Oracle NetSuite 過往服務連鎖餐飲業者的經驗,一起陪伴超過 13,000 家中小型餐飲業者增加營運效率、一同走向規模化經營!」 了解更多餐飲系統管理方案
Introv x Oracle NetSuite e-Commerce Seminar
Thanks for joining our eCommerce seminar today! We hope you all gain insights into how Oracle NetSuite can build your integrated e-Commerce platform rapidly and cost-effectively while maintaining...
台灣 Introv 聯同Oracle NetSuite X MAYO 研討會順利舉行
Only Chinese Version available 很高興 Introv LimitedX Oracle NetSuite X MAYO 在台灣舉辦的「迎戰新變局 雲端科技強化企業營運策略與管理能力」研討會順利完成! 感謝所有與會者的支持希望今天的研討會能讓企業進一步了解該如何透過雲端ERP與HRM,打造靈活、可擴展的管理系統,高效調整管理策略、重塑人才戰略,迎戰充滿變動的新未來!
Introv Annual Dinner 2023
The team celebrated at Introv's Annual Dinner 2023 last Friday. It was really nice to meet everyone from different departments to gather. We had lots of fun with...
Celebrating Dcard Kickoff Meeting with Introv and Oracle NetSuite
Introv is glad to kick off the digital transformation project for Dcard today. Dcard is the most influential social media platform among young Taiwanese with over 6 million...
Only Chinese Version available Introv 聯同亞洲最大OMO 虛實融合開店解決方案品牌 91APP 舉辦的研討會順利舉行,雙方專家為企業解構 #OMO 營銷策略及多個與物流和供貨量有關的電商痛點! 感謝所有出席者對活動的支持,期待下次再見,分享更多最新行業資訊。