Four Questions on the Evolving Role of CFO with Klook
Flying with the Hong Kong Unicorn: The Digital Transformation Journey with Klook - How Oracle NetSuite made a joint effort with Klook in establishing a new milestone for...
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Companies that rely on spreadsheets and/or on premises ERP to manage their operations generally face limitations in delivering organizational visibility, mission critical data on a single platform and supporting...
Whitepaper: Build the Foundation for Great Customer Experiences
Today's customers demand seamless and personalised experiences. Learn the ways to simplify your business operations, build the foundation for Great Customer Experiences to gain their loyalty and be...
Whitepaper: Three Essentials for a Digital Office of Finance
Technology can have a great impact on how the finance department operates, enabling it to become a strategic and forward-looking role in a company and help the company...
Whitepaper: MuleSoft and Salesforce Service Cloud
Faced with the rising customer standards for fast, personalized, and connected engagement, customer service now needs to be anytime and anywhere. MuleSoft’s Anypoint Platform enables organizations to...
Whitepaper: 7 Actions Businesses Need to Take Now
The economy start reopening, organisations needs to reassess its strategy and operations to properly position for the recovery. This whitepaper share the actions taken by the best run...
Whitepaper: How to Articulate the Value of Integration
In today's global economy, integration has become a key determinant of who leads and who lags in the market. Businesses with cutting-edge integration strategies have raised the...
Whitepaper: The Duck Store Conquers Omnichannel Challenges
Feel frustrated with a collection of non-integrated systems, general merchandise sales and ecommerce that created siloed database? Required hours of manual data entry every day to maintain accurate...