Beginners’ Guide To Customer Journey Mapping
Your company offers a great product. Of course, it does. But people don’t just buy a product or brand putting in front of them. It takes more work...
Five Signs Your Business has Outgrown its Accounting Software
For business owners in Asia Pacific, there are a few common refrains when it comes to their software systems. “Our inventory system is very manual – there is...
Boost Customer Experience with Excellent Customer Service
The Fourth Industrial Revolution has redefined customers’ expectations to the point that 80% of them now consider their experience with a company to be as important as its products. The implications on...
The True Cloud vs. Fake Cloud Debate, and Why It Matters
True Cloud vs. Fake Cloud 2019 promises many helpful solutions to your business challenges. Chief among these is “The Cloud.” With it, you’ll be able to transition many...
How Data Quality Matters To Your CRM’s Success
As competition continues to increase, more and more organisations are considering how they can optimize Customer Relations Management ("CRM") to be more strategic in attracting and retaining customers....
All-in-one ERP Software Evaluation Kit
ERP Software Evaluation Kit In this document we hope to provide you more perspectives on the components and scorecard to use in order to evaluate a true cloud...
Business Digital Transformation Trends in 2019
Business Digital Transformation Trends in 2019 Digital Transformation — it's a top business priority. But why all the attention? A Forrester research reveals that organisations believe that by...
Whitepaper: The Power of a Cloud ERP Suite by G2 CROWD
Oftentimes, businesses rely on a patchwork of disparate systems and spreadsheets to solve their immediate business needs. But as a business grows, these disparate systems create operational inefficiencies...
Whitepaper: Has Your Business Outgrown Xero?
Has Your Business Outgrown Xero?